Preparing for Exams/Auditions!

This particular method was very helpful for me when auditioning for Leeds Conservatoire (then known as Leeds College of Music). I had done three separate auditions over the years - one for Diploma, one for BA and finally the MA.

There is a particular method that I go through when there is an audition or exam coming up. Within a week prior to the exam date, I would do this process four or five times, certainly the three days leading up to and including the day of the exam. For example, if the exam is on a Friday afternoon, perhaps I will do this process on Monday, (take a break on Tuesday), Wednesday, Thursday, and twice on Friday.

The process does not take long at all. I would simply run through all the pieces twice in the order that they run in. For example, if there are three pieces A, B, and C, play A B C A B C non-stop. Ignore any mistakes. Include any talking required. Basically run it as if it was the real thing, twice.

Doing this process sets your mind to focus and prioritize your practice intensively. If each piece lasts for 5 minutes, it would only take 30 minutes in total. If you usually have 2-hour practice sessions, practise something else for the remaining hour-and-a-half. Read about where you can find a dedicated rehearsal studio in Leeds.

On the Friday, do the process in the morning at home and do it again at the place of the exam right before the starting time (usually the warm up time). Chances are, if you are well prepared, all the run-throughs this week should be pretty good anyways. Good to the standard of passing whatever the exam requires.

Psychologically, tell yourself that in the exam you only have to run through once and you’re done. Think: if I run through twice fine, once should be no problem at all.


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